
10th Grade English Curriculum

Term 1 Literature:
The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky by Stephen Crane
The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Alan Poe
Friends in San Rosario by O. Henry
Wine on the Desert by Max Brand
The Roads We Take by O. Henry
The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
Writing: persuasive essay, introduction of critical lens esay for Regents Prep.
Term 2 Literature:
There will come Soft Rains by Ray Bradbury
I Have a Dream by M.L. King
The Andersonville Trial by Saul Levitt
Prisinors at Nuremberg by William Shirer
An Independant Policy by Charles Lindbergh
The Last Mision by Hary Mazer (excerpts read to class to prep for listening section of Regents)
Writing: Compare/Contrast esay, controling idea essay, and critical lens essay.